Every 20 seconds, a child is dying in India due to diseases like diarrhea and pneumonia which are easily preventable. These children are dying even before they are five year old. To stop this needless loss of lives, a non-governmental organization (NGO) – SAVE THE CHILDREN- has launched its campaign “NO Child Born to Die” few days before.
The campaign aims to create a people’s movement to demand better healthcare facilities for every mother and child by increasing the share of budget allocation for healthcare to 5% of GDP, from the current 1.1%.
The campaign aims to create a people’s movement to demand better healthcare facilities for every mother and child by increasing the share of budget allocation for healthcare to 5% of GDP, from the current 1.1%.
How we can help them?
CLICK HERE Ragister to support this noble cause and save 1.73 million precious lives.
This campaign is looking for people’s support, people who want Government to increase the healthcare spending. If you are among those and support this noble cause, help this NGO by taking the pledge on their website. Sadly a spam message on Facebook get millions of hits in just single day but till now they have registered just 20160 supporters.
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